Speech and Language

Hello! If you’ve been directed to this page then your child is receiving additional support in school for their Speech, Language or Communication Needs (SLCN). You may have an NHS Speech Therapist who works with you too.

If you came across this page and think your child may need help with their SLCN please contact your child’s class teacher.

If you have specific questions about your child please contact their teacher or Speech Therapist. You can email Castle Academy on enquiries@castle.emat.uk or call 01604 638679.

Children's communication skills develop a bit like a pyramid, they start with a good foundation of Attention and Listening skills and build up from there:

Pyramid of communication skills


Here's a short story that children of all ages can join in with. Courtesy of Leeds Community NHS Trust 2012. Your child can watch this again and again and join in with the sounds.

Billy Bear's Birthday


The Language Tree - Child Language Development


Your child may be learning to communicate using different techniques, also known as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). PECS - the Picture Exchange Communication System. If you have been advised to use this AAC the below video gives an example of how to use the first 3 stages. Please only use PECS if advised to by your Speech Therapist.

PECS demonstration of phases 1, 2 and 3

Communication Boards - please use only if you have been provided with one from school or your Speech Therapist

Modelling language with a communication board

Other areas to think about

Children, even those who don't have trouble making themselves heard or understood, can get frustrated and physical activity can help release some of that frustration. Copying big physical movements is also a good way to build communication skills.

Online Yoga sessions for children can provide a calm way to stay active and they also need good listening and attention skills - search for Cosmic Kids yoga on YouTube.

Only have a few minutes? 'Heavy Work' is short bursts of physical activity that can help your child focus and burn off excess energy, you often don't need special equipment and it can be part of your daily routine:  https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/child-learning-disabilities/sensory-processing-issues/heavy-work-activities

Information and Resources

There are huge number of resources available for SLCN support and we’ll highlight just a few of them here.

Home (ican.org.uk)

I CAN's Talking Point

Afasic – Voice for Life

RADLD - YouTube

Resources for Children’s Speech and Language | Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (hacw.nhs.uk)

Oak Academy is the UK Government online classroom that has some great videos to support SLCN at home. https://classroom.thenational.academy/specialist/therapies/speech-and-language-therapy

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