Welcome to Caterpillar Pod

We believe in a fully inclusive school of all children and ensure that all children, including those with special educational needs can learn, succeed, and achieve.

Caterpillar Pod is a specialist provision for EYFS and KS1 children aged between 4 and 7, who have an EHCP for communication and interaction needs, specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD.

Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure that our children can be successful in their education journey with us, within a provision that understands and supports the needs of each child, enabling them to access the right pathway and curriculum to support them with their next steps in learning and development, this can include access to the mainstream provision where appropriate.

We want all our learners to succeed and achieve, from their varying starting points. We strive to offer the very best provision and to do this we work closely with the Communication & Interaction Support Service. Professionals from this team support individuals, work with groups, and offer additional guidance to all our staff.

Our Aim

We aim for all our children within the specialist to reach their potential, taking into account individual needs. The staff within Caterpillar Pod have the knowledge, skills and expertise to plan and deliver bespoke learning opportunities and experiences for all children accessing the provision.

We believe it is so important to work in partnership with the you as parents, and to facilitate this we:

  • Have an open-door policy, and welcome daily interactions between staff and parents to discuss what has happened that day
  • Hold regular meetings with you, as parents to share your child’s progress and next steps in their leaning and development
  • Welcome your participation in annual reviews
  • Hold SEND parents’ forums three times a year, to share information and gather your views
Get in Touch

To get in touch with Castle Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01604 346802

Contact Us